Quality & Sustainability

If you are of an era where Customer Service really meant something, then we are of a like mind.  Our philosophy at Simply Kitchens has always been driven by a quest for unmatched service and quality, and to that end we work on a basis of continual improvement. 

We have built a superb team at Simply Kitchens whose job it is to ensure that not only does your project satisfy your expectations but also runs as smoothly as is possible. 

We made a decision at the conception of Simply Kitchens back in 2003 to offer a unique service whereby we manage everything in house, so you only need deal with one business to bring your dream project to life.  It’s a concept we are proud of and our customers certainly approve.

A Sustainable Approach

It is therefore important to us in committing to our philosophy that we partner with suppliers who are also dedicated to their customers.  Through the years we have achieved just this and have a great working relationship with all our main suppliers. 

Our furniture suppliers are all about quality, not only in the product they make but also in how they operate their facilities and their impact on the environment.  They have impressive sustainability statistics regarding the reduction of CO₂ emissions, responsible sourcing of materials and recycling.

Therefore, a Simply Kitchens kitchen, or bedroom or home study, will have been created with the you and the environment in mind.